Saturday, December 10, 2011

Position Statement Part Whatever

(So, if you've ever witnessed an accident and saw what was going to happen before the event occurred, then you can get a mental image of what it looks like to watch traditional brick and mortar schools speed towards a crash with the technological future they won't embrace.)

Are we preparing students for their future or our past?

What types of experiences in the classroom are necessary for students to be competitive in a global marketplace?

If class opens with the phrase “Today we are going to learn about”, then a signal has been sent that students will most likely be passively receiving knowledge and the teacher will be the focal point and director.

This approach was acceptable in the 20th century, when there were jobs available for those who were not self directed and standardization of outcomes in the classroom was the focus.

Education is at a critical juncture.

Measurement and standardization are making a last stand to defend their relevance against a digital onslaught of learning that carries the banner of customization, personalization, and authentic engagement.

How will traditional schools remain competitive in an era of on-demand, personalized, self-directed learning?

The answer is not to reinforce the traditional, hierarchical structure that has been in place for over 100 years.

Whose future is it?

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